Bank Run Gravel

Our bank run gravel is the most economical product we have and is our best seller. It is made up primarily of rock with some clay, dirt and sand mixed in. This provides an excellent base for any driveway or building pad foundation. The larger stones provide support for heavy loads on driveways while the smaller stones and sand fill the voids. The clay helps to quickly cement the stone together to make a hard, solid foundation. The softer limestones and shales break down over time with heavy traffic and provide a long lasting and compact product. 

Our bank run gravel varies from fine sandier gravel  to what is called bony gravel. Our fine gravel has particle sizes up to around 2 inches and is an excellent option for filling in potholes, topping a new driveway, or fine grading for underneath concrete. It is also commonly used for livestock paths and has been certified for this by usda engineers.  our larger, bony gravel can have stones as large as 8 inches. This is excellent for building new driveways, particularly for heavy truck traffic or through wet areas.